Troubleshooting Your Garden's WiFi Connection
October 21 2024 10:00pm • Est. Read Time: 3 MINIf you’re having trouble connecting your Garden to the internet, there could be a few things going on. First, please check the WiFi indicator light on your Garden’s control board. These diagrams depict where to find this light:
Please follow along with this diagnostic table to troubleshoot and find the root-cause of the issue:
Solid Green: This means that you’re online! Great job. If your WiFi light is solid green, but your app is telling you that your “device is not connected,” this means that your device has connected to your home’s wireless network successfully but is unable to communicate with Rise Gardens servers. This is likely due to wireless security restrictions or a firewall. Rise Gardens communicates to its servers via HTTPS over port 443. You may also need to know the garden IoT MAC Address as well (contact customer support if you need help finding this). Please refer to your wireless router settings to allow this communication.
Blinking Green: This means that your Garden is unable to establish an internet connection. This could be due to any of the following reasons:
Invalid network credentials (in other words, you’ve mistyped your WiFi name or password)
The network signal is too weak. Please move your Garden closer to a WiFi router or extender
Trying to connect to a 5G network, which is incompatible with our Gardens. Please connect to a 2.4G network
Your WiFi router’s ecurity settings could be “black-listing” the Garden. You’ll need to check your WiFi router's admin tools to see if this is occurring
You may be using WPA-2 enterprise security. If this is the case, you’ll need to set the username to login with. When connecting your Garden to the internet, check the “Advanced” option on WiFi screen in your phone’s Settings app
You may be using a “noisy” WiFi channel for your area. You’ll need to manually change the WiFi channel in your router's settings (the industry recommends using channels 1, 6, or 11, but you may find better channels)
If you are using a router provided by your Internet Service Provider, consider speaking with them to get assistance.
Issue with your router. Here is the list of routers that have had known issues with connecting to our Gardens in the past:
Arris DG2460
Arris DG3450
Arris TG3452A/CG
Switching between Solid Green and Blinking Green: This means you have a weak WiFi signal. To solve this, you will need to move your Garden closer to your WiFi router or WiFi extender.
Blinking Red: This means that your Garden is unable to connect to your WiFi network due to an invalid password. Double-check that your password is spelled correctly, and then repeat the wireless set-up process. To do this, navigate to the “Device Details” page on the right-hand side of your app’s home page.
This can also mean that your WiFi router is incompatible with your Garden. If your router is provided by your internet service provider, you might consider contacting them for further support. They may suggest a firmware update or newer equipment.
Solid Red: This means that your Garden is still waiting to connect to the internet. You'll need to restart the wireless set-up process. To do this, navigate to the "Device Details" page on the right-hand side of your app’s home page.
This can also mean that there was an issue with your phone connecting to your Garden’s control board. Please try to unplug your Garden from power, wait for 30 seconds, and then plug it back in to perform a “hard reset.”
Off (No Light) This means that your Garden was waiting to be connected to internet for over an hour, so it turned off. To return to Solid Red again, push and hold the “Reset” button on your Garden’s control board for 10 seconds. NOTE: it may be helpful to use a pointy object (such as a pen) to reach the button. Once it’s turned Solid Red again, restart the wireless set-up process. To do this, navigate to the “Device Details'' page on the right-hand side of your app’s home page.
This can also mean that your control box is having issues. Please check that each cord is securely connected to your control board, paying special attention to your water-level sensor. Be sure that the stickers are aligned, regardless of the wire direction. If your control board’s wifi light does not turn on, reach out to our support team with a clear-lit photo of your control board.
NOTE: If you have other gardens that are connected to wifi you must unplug them from power while you connect your Garden. Having other gardens connected to your network can interfere with the connection.