How Do I Store My Seeds?

July 1 2024 4:32am • Est. Read Time: 2 MIN

Seeds are living things! If you purchase seeds that you decide not to germinate and grow in your Rise Garden right away, it’s important to store them in an environment that does not decrease their germination rate. 

The genetics of the seed determine its initial germination rate. But, if stored improperly, the germination rate can lower over time. From the time of purchase, if stored properly, your seeds will last ~1 year before you see a significant decrease in germination. After that, their germination rate decreases to the point of complete failure.

Factors that Impact Germination

  • Temperature: Seeds have built-in activators in their genetics to help with the germination process. If seeds are stored at temperatures above 40ºF, these activators can stop working correctly. Similarly, if seeds are stored below 30ºF, the seed coat (the outer coating of the seed) and other organs in the seed can also be frozen and broken down, which will also impact the germination rate. 

  •  Humidity: To germinate, seeds need to absorb water to start activating a cascade of internal chemicals that lead to growing the first sprout. If humidity levels go above 20%, the seed may start to absorb water from the air, which would start the germination process prematurely. So, it’s important to store your seeds in a relatively dry environment.

  • Light Exposure: Just like water, sunlight is necessary for germination and for healthy plants. So, it’s important to store your seeds in a relatively dark environment.

Appropriate Temperature for Storage

  • Ideal: 30ºF - 40ºF, with very low humidity (~20%), and in complete darkness.

  • Tolerable: 20ºF - 30ºF, with some humidity (~40%), and in low light.

  • Dangerous: 40ºF - 70ºF, with high humidity (~60%), and in direct light.

Appropriate Location for Storage

The best location to store your seeds is in a refrigerator! In a refrigerator, the temperature and relative light exposure are both low and consistent. 

You can also store your seeds in a cabinet (like the cabinet in Family Gardens), where it is dark and the temperature is consistent. Additionally, it is best to store your seeds in their boxes, as this protects them from light and prevents them from tipping over (your seeds could accidentally fall out!).